
目前分類:空中英語教室 (3)

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Conversation 2
Stephie: Hi, Keith! How is it going?
Keith: Not bad, Stephie. What's new with you?
Stephie: I passed my chemistry test! Have you had any big tests lately?
Keith: Only one. Hey, sorry I can't talk; I'm just on my way to advanced English. Nice seeing you.
Stephie: Nice to see you! Maybe we can talk again later.
Keith: Sounds good. Got to go.
Stephie: OK. Take care.

凱斯: 還不錯啦,史黛菲。你最近有什麼新鮮事嗎?
凱斯: 只有一個。嘿,抱歉,不能再說了,我正要去上進修級英文課。

凱斯: 好啊。現在得走囉。

⊙Word Bank
chemistry (n) 化學

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Everyone wants to develop self-confidence and make a good first impression. Skill in opening and closing conversations brings good results in both of these areas. You will find more opportunities to speak if you take the first step. Also, knowing the polite way to conclude a conversation leaves others with a good feeling toward you. Learning how to start and end conversations just takes a little practice and a friendly smile. Experiment with the following phrases to get the conversation started:
* Good morning! How are you?
* Hello! How has it been going?
* Hi! What's new?
* How nice to see you!
* Long time no see!



★ 早安!你好嗎?
★ 嗨!近來如何?
★ 嗨!有什麼新鮮事?
★ 真高興見到你!
★ 好久不見。

⊙Word Bank
conclude [] (v) 結束
experiment [] (v) 實驗;試驗
opportunity [] (n) 機會;良機
polite [] (adj) 有禮貌的
toward [] (adj) 對於;關於
phrase [] (n) 片語;詞組

From 空英電子報

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⊙Word Bank

courage (n) 勇氣
gratitude (n) 感激
Scratch the surface (v phr) 僅止於皮毛而已

symbolize (v) 象徵
gobble up (v phr) 狼吞虎嚥

nuclear (adj) 核心的
extended (adj) 延伸的,此指大家庭的

chore (n) 零工;雜事

The Day's Phrase   

You are being so crabby! Snap out of your bad mood!

We need to sort the garbage out before the truck comes.

I spaced out while you were talking. What did you just say?

That ice cream hit the spot! It was just what I wanted to eat.

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